Show Your Support
Show Your Support
Now is your chance to get in on the action and expose your company's products/services to our diverse and growing audience. They're talking about us...and soon they'll be talking about you!
Your donation will benefit the team so that we are able to hold bouts, obtain uniforms, and help create more fund-raising opportunities to secure donations for local charities. Your donations and contributions to the league will help to further our mission. And it won’t stop there. It not only helps support our league, it helps support our community.
Your sponsorship will help EMRD strengthen our vision as an athletic organization of women and volunteers fostered to be strong (physically, socially, and mentally) while actively engaged in their community. We pledge to support you right back through encouraged patronage within and beyond our organization!
Don’t miss the opportunity to partner with women’s flat track roller derby while the sport is young and growing!
Sponsor of #11, Baby Face & #8, Dizzy Izzy
Sponsor of #420, Billie Eyebash
League Sponsors